Tidak terasa yah sudah mau hari senin kembali, sebelum memulai aktivitas kembali, di pagi hari ini (dini hari tepatnya) saya akan share tool security yang bernama Spyware Doctor, dan tentu saja sudah di sertai patch agar full version. Cekidot,,
Spyware Doctor merupakan salah satu program terbaik dalam melindungi komputer sobat blogger dari spyware, malware, adware, trojan, dan teman-temannya. Meskipun Spyware Doctor yang saya share disini bukan versi terbaru, namun Spyware Doctor versi ini juga sudah cukup untuk melindungi komputer sobat blogger.

Spyware Doctor Tools:
What's New in Spyware Doctor 7.0 :
Download Spyware Doctor Full Patch
Spyware Doctor merupakan salah satu program terbaik dalam melindungi komputer sobat blogger dari spyware, malware, adware, trojan, dan teman-temannya. Meskipun Spyware Doctor yang saya share disini bukan versi terbaru, namun Spyware Doctor versi ini juga sudah cukup untuk melindungi komputer sobat blogger.

Spyware Doctor Tools:
- Spyware & Adware Scanner Keylogger
- Guard Popup
- Blocker Phishing
- Protector Real Time
- Protection Browser
- Guard Spyware Cookie
- Guard Malware
- Immunizer

- NEW! ThreatFire™ Behavioral Intelligence features next-generation technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
- NEW! Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks, including phishing attempts, rogueware scare tactics and silent drive-by downloads, using a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive dynamic content analysis technologies.
- NEW! State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
- NEW! Browser Guard stops 'drive-by' downloads of fake AV or malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
- NEW! Protection Statistics Report informs you of how PC Tools has protected your PC over the last 30 days.
- IMPROVED! Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
- IMPROVED! Built on a modular architecture which utilizes a diverse range of technologies that detect, block and remove threats attempting to compromise your PC.
- IMPROVED! Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
- Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.
Download Spyware Doctor Full Patch
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